Journal of Information Technology Management (JITM)
ISSN #1042-1319

A publication of the Association of Management

Submission Instructions

Manuscript formats

Because of the two audiences served by the Journal, (practitioners and academicians) three types of manuscripts are considered: articles, short studies and case studies.


    Empirical papers presenting research results directly relevant to the information systems practice. Emphasis should be on long-term/managerial knowledge (rather than short-term/technology issues) and on creative thinking (not just replication of previous studies with minute variations), presented in a language as practitioner oriented as possible but supported by empirical evidence.

    Short Studies

    Exploratory studies and conceptual papers presenting results and/or arguments of immediate applicability to information systems practice. Emphasis on testing of existing concepts, frameworks and methodologies, and on development and testing of methodologies, procedures and techniques to support the managerial use of information technology.

    Case Studies

    Descriptions of successful applications of concepts, methodologies, etc., to improve information systems practice. Emphasis on identification of concepts, frameworks and methodologies that improved information systems practice, and on the identification of factors that contributed to its successful application.

    Use the following manuscript organization and adapt it, as needed, to each type of manuscript:

    1. What is the problem? Why is it relevant (why did you do the study or wrote the case analysis)?
    2. What is the argument (hypothesis, research question, or concept was applied in the case study)? Why is it important?
    3. How was the study conducted (methodology, case procedures)?
    4. What results of your study support the argument?
    5. What are the conclusions? How do they contribute to solving the problem? What was learned from the case? How can this knowledge be transferred to other circumstances?
    6. References: 15 to 20 references are normally sufficient.

    In all three categories the emphasis is on their unique contribution to the solution of an information systems problem. Footnotes are extremely discouraged -- either the subject of the footnote is important enough to be included in the regular text, or it should not be included at all.

Publication Process

The JITM manuscripts are submitted online using the JITM Online Review System. Paper submissions are no longer accepted. This allows a fast turnaround from the time of the submission to the time the JITM is published on the Web. There are no requirements of format for the submission, although the manuscript if accepted will need to use the JITM manuscript style for publication. 

The online submission process has two steps:

  1. You start the submission at the JITM Online Review System by providing author information, affiliation, e-mail, and selecting a password to be used in the review system. You will receive an e-mail back confirming your information and assigning an ID number for your submission.

  2. In a second step you should login with your submission ID and password in the JITM Online Review System and upload your manuscript. Do not include author information in the manuscript, and, in addition, be sure to remove other identification of your manuscript (see how to make a word processor file a blind paper submission).

Once the manuscript is uploaded, it is assigned to two Editorial Board Review members who will make recommendations on the manuscript. The JITM Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision whether or not to accept the manuscript.

Once the manuscript is accepted a final version using the JITM manuscript style should be submitted as attachment to an e-mail to the JITM Editor-in-Chief. This final version will be checked once more and the manuscript will be prepared and scheduled for publication on the Web in a quarterly basis.

This page was last updated on February 10, 2019. Although we will attempt to keep this information accurate, we can not guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.

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